Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Incident at the Childcare Centre

Take details left by a childcare worker on this message bank service:

Download the Dictation Cloze exercise. Listen again and fill in the gaps.

Download the Script and check your dictation


100 most commonly used words (download)... for study see the video below

Writing : An Incident

In class this week we looked at a typcial INCIDENT REPORT form. INCIDENTS(cut himself, fell over, etc) and common ACTION TAKEN (bandaged wound, placed ice-pack on ..., etc)

Write me a recount of an INCIDENT you experienced. (You do not have to be a childcare worker to do this). What ACTION did you take? SUBMIT your writing task using the form :


Click this link to practice spelling body parts

Now try this spelling test --- parts of the body

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Messages and Notes


PRINT OUT the MESSAGE SLIP and take the message

Download and print the DICTATION CLOZE EXERCISE

Download the DICTATION SCRIPT and check your answers

Listen to the message left on an answering service:



Remembering rules and making lists might help you a little, but you need to see and work with words as much as possible. Last week we started working with words we misspell the most. Here is a video of the 100 MOST COMMONLY USED WORDS in English (add them to your Spelling List Dictionary):

The I-Teach-U English videos are good for practice. Find more videos here (click).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Personal Information and Forms

DICTATION - Stavros from Greece

Instruction 1 : Download and print the dictation sheet.

LEVEL 1 (easy)

LEVEL 2 (intermediate)

LEVEL 3 (harder) - Listen and write by yourself

2. Click here to go to the Dictation Site (listen to Dictation 1)

Instruction 2: Download the script and check your dictation


SPELLING : Personal Spelling Dictionary

In class we started to make a Personal Spelling Dictionary using some vocab from the dication.

Buy an exercise book and create lists each lesson. Start with the -ee- words and the -ea- words from the dictation about Stavros from Greece. Can you think of more words to add to your -ee- and -ea- lists?


Ozspeller Exercises: Commonly mispelt words

We also looked at a number of small words we commonly misspell. eg. and, with, they, their, etc.

You can slowly work your way through these words each week.

1. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THIS LIST from (stick it in your book)

2. Listen and complete the FREQUENT - LIST 1 exercise



FORMS are everywhere! Studying forms can be a bit boring ...but try this unit of work from BBC Skillswise.