Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cover and Application Letters


By popular demand ... covering letters! Consider the format, common vocabulary and tips below, but remember there is no perfect way to write a cover or application letter.

Here is mine (based on what we looked at in class):

Dale's Covering letter

Start out by studying this simple tutorial, How to Write a Good Cover Letter, from an excellent Canadian reading, writing and spelling site, The Learning Edge .

Complete the reading, vocab and comprehension exercises. Print the model letter for your own reference.


In class we looked at some Business Letter Formats : Full Block, Block and Semi-Block. Personally, I prefer Full Block formatted letters, but you can experiment by using the samples I gave you in class.

There are lots of samples on the internet (too many) ... search through these if you want to read more.

Dictation and Spelling:

Download the dictation-cloze sheet

Spelling words: apply, application, position, advertise, enclose, enclosure, resume, interview, forward, sincerely


Composing a good cover or application letter is the biggest challenge.

Remember the KISS rule : "Keep it simple, stupid!" :-) A covering letter is just "a letter in support of your application" -- and that is what you must try and write.

DON'T just repeat information that is already in the application form or your resume;

DON'T ramble;

DO emphasize (i) your strong points : qualifications, experience that fit the job description. Be brief, clear and firm.

Keep one question in mind as you write: Why are you right for the job?


We came across the confusing issue of (Phrasal) VERBS that take -ing vs. Verbs that don't (eg. to look forward to doing something)

Look up and study these units from Essential Grammar 3rd.ed, Murphy:

Unit 53, 54, 55C and Unit 60

(We will look at Unit 60 in class next week)


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Meetings 2

Reading Text: The Nurses' Strike

In our meeting last week (see below) you decided you would like to read, discuss, write about and learn about issues related to the current Nurses' strike here in Victoria.

Click here to read the article (ABC)

Click here for the (listening) comprehension sheet (we will do an exercise in class)

Focus questions:

What is industrial action?

What is protected / unprotected industrial action?

(Look here for the answers)

What is Fair Work Australia? (look here :

Dictation and Spelling:The World of Work and Unions

(Adapted from The World Times, Vol.2, No.7, 1993 - VALBEC)

Print out the cloze/listening exercise here (fold, listen, write and check)

Spelling words and patterns: union / fair / unfair / awards / agree / disagree / agreement / employment / unemployment

(we will focus on prefixes and their meanings this lesson)

1. Minutes

Last week we watched a meeting and learnt about the role of the Chairperson. Yannick took minutes (notes of what was said at the meeting)

Click here to see Yannick's minutes

2. Actions

Some of the actions to be taken (if I remember rightly were) ...

* Inclusion of the following for learning (rest of 2011 / & 2012 ...

newspaper articles / formal letters / resume writing / creative writing / grammar/ continue with Dictation / continue with Spelling

3. Grammar

At our meeting you agreed to study the following items from Essential Grammar in Use (3rd Ed), Murphy :

Past Modals

Would have (pg.83)

Could have (pg.65)

Should have (pg.79)

Note: Check your answers at the end of the book!

We will review the use of Past Modals in class. Still unsure how to use Past Modals? Look at this review at

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Meetings 1


Watch this video about a meeting. Compare your notes from class.

Print out the activity sheet (Exercise 1, 2 and 3 below) or follow here ...

Exercise 1 (Spelling and Dictionary work): Here is the vocabulary from our last class (use your dictionary if you are unsure of their meaning). Learn to spell ...

agenda / chairperson / apologies / secretary / minutes / correspondence / treasurer / finances / manager / officer / board of directors / committee of management / Annual General Meeting (AGM) / business arising / quorum / to move / a motion / to second (a motion) / point of order

tip: Add words to your sound pattern lists (eg. -ai- /-ies / -ence / - ea- / -ei- / etc )

Exercise 2: (Notetaking) : Watch the beginning of video again (the meeting from start to finish). Note down the key phrases used by the Chairperson.

1. Has everybody got a copy of the agenda?

Exercise 3 (Comprehension):

1. What is the objective of the meeting?

2. What is the reason for running the meeting in a formal way?

3. What does "without further ado" mean?

4. What does "I'd like to open it up for discussion" mean?

5. What is a "motion"? What is another word for "motion"?

6. What does "all those in favour" mean?

7. What does "all those against" mean?

AGENDA - A Class Meeting

Here is a copy of the agenda for our next class. Print it off and bring it to class next week. Also bring your five items for discussion.

Meeting Agenda for 17 November, 2011 Class

